Alex Brown
Professor of Indigenous Genomics
+61 421 278 314
Professor Alex Brown is the Professor of Indigenous Genomics at The Kids Research Institute Australia and The Australian National University. He is an internationally leading Aboriginal clinician/researcher (Yuin Nation) who has worked his entire career in Aboriginal health in the provision of public health services, infectious diseases and chronic disease care, health care policy and research. He has family connections to Nowra, Wreck Bay and Wallaga Lake on the far south coast of NSW.
A former member of The Kids Research Institute Australia Board and 2018 Scientific Review Panel, Alex will play a critical role working with the Institute leadership and Institute Science Team in shaping and sustaining the future of the Institute’s Indigenous research, leadership, partnerships and engagement with Indigenous communities, and training the next generation of Indigenous researchers.
In 2012, Alex was awarded the Viertel Senior Medical Research Fellowship to further his research into the impacts of psychological determinants on cardiovascular disease in Aboriginal communities.
WA Aboriginal Child Health Survey (WAACHS) Data Linkage Study
This study is a partnership between researchers, the Aboriginal community and government to provide evidence for policy and practice addressing high priority health and wellbeing issues for Aboriginal children and families.
Kids Easy Breathing Study
As both bronchiolitis and bronchiectasis are diseases of the airway surface, we will comprehensively study the airway surface and factors affecting the airway surface in infants hospitalised with bronchiolitis.
October 2023
Published research
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Attitudes to Organ Donation in Central Australia: A Qualitative Pilot Study
Organ transplantation is a well-established intervention but is reliant on the donation of organs and tissues, mostly from deceased donors. The proportion of Australians proceeding to organ donation (OD) has increased, but the proportion of Indigenous Australians proceeding remains two-thirds that of non-Indigenous Australians. We sought to explore perceived barriers and enablers for the involvement of Indigenous peoples in the OD process.
Priority setting: Development of the South Australian Aboriginal Chronic Disease Consortium RoadMap for Action
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (Aboriginal) people in South Australia are overburdened by cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer. The South Australian Aboriginal Chronic Disease Consortium (Consortium) was established in June 2017 as a collaborative partnership to lead the implementation of three state-wide chronic disease plans using a strategic approach to identifying key priority areas for action.
Epigenetic Science and Indigenous health: Key Issues and Considerations for Future Research
Environmental epigenetics is a fast-growing field of scientific research attracting interest from key stakeholders in Indigenous health internationally, including researchers, clinicians, policymakers, and advocacy organisations. It is the study of how various external factors, including food, stress, and toxins, alter genetic expression, and could be biologically passed down to children (and potentially grandchildren).
Systemic lupus erythematosus in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Australia: addressing disparities and barriers to optimising patient care
The first inhabitants of Australia and the traditional owners of Australian lands are the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are two to four times more likely to have systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) than the general Australian population.
Determining the Optimal Methodology for Identifying Incident Stroke Deaths Using Administrative Datasets Within Australia
Quantifying stroke incidence and mortality is crucial for disease surveillance and health system planning. Administrative data offer a cost-effective alternative to "gold standard" population-based studies. However, the optimal methodology for establishing stroke deaths from administrative data remains unclear.
Prevalence of dementia among Indigenous populations of countries with a very high Human Development Index: a systematic review
Dementia is a health priority for Indigenous peoples. Here, we reviewed studies on the prevalence of dementia or cognitive impairment among Indigenous populations from countries with a very high Human Development Index (≥0·8). Quality was assessed using the Joanna Briggs Institute risk-of-bias tool and CONSolIDated critERia for strengthening the reporting of health research involving Indigenous peoples (CONSIDER), with oversight provided by an Indigenous Advisory Board.
Researchers’ self-reported adherence to ethical principles in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health and medical research and views on improving conduct: a mixed methods study
To examine researchers' reports of adherence to ethical principles in their most recent research project, including factors associated with higher self-reported adherence, and perceptions of how research conduct could be improved.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community experiences and recommendations for health and medical research: a mixed methods study
To describe Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities' processes, positioning and experiences of health and medical research and their recommendations.
Genomic characterization of clinically significant blood group variants in Aboriginal Australians
Hematological disorders are often treated with blood transfusions. Many blood group antigens and variants are population-specific, and for patients with rare blood types, extensive donor screening is required to find suitable matches for transfusion. There is a scarcity of knowledge regarding blood group variants in Aboriginal Australian populations, despite a higher need for transfusion due to the higher prevalence of renal diseases and anemia.
Responsive service design and workforce strengthening: Recommendations to improve aged care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
This study aimed to develop innovative and practical strategies and recommendations for aged care policy and practice that support the needs of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
NEARER SCAN (LENO BESIK) evaluation of a task-sharing echocardiographic active case finding programme for rheumatic heart disease in Australia and Timor-Leste
Rheumatic heart disease (RHD) is underdiagnosed globally resulting in missed treatment opportunities and adverse clinical outcomes. We describe the protocol for a study which aims to co-design, implement and conduct an evaluation of a task-sharing approach to echocardiographic active case finding for early detection and management of RHD in high-risk settings in Australia and Timor-Leste.
Incidence of Stroke in Indigenous Populations of Countries With a Very High Human Development Index A Systematic Review
Cardiovascular disease contributes significantly to disease burden among many Indigenous populations. However, data on stroke incidence in Indigenous populations are sparse. We aimed to investigate what is known of stroke incidence in Indigenous populations of countries with a very high Human Development Index locating the research in the broader context of Indigenous health.
Cohort profile: The WAACHS Linked Data Study
Despite the volume of accumulating knowledge from prospective Aboriginal cohort studies, longitudinal data describing developmental trajectories in health and well-being is limited.
“It Empowers You to Empower Them”: Health Professional Perspectives of Care for Hyperglycaemia in Pregnancy Following a Multi-Component Health Systems Intervention
The Northern Territory and Far North Queensland have a high proportion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women birthing who experience hyperglycaemia in pregnancy. A multi-component health systems intervention to improve antenatal and postpartum care in these regions for women with hyperglycaemia in pregnancy was implemented between 2016 and 2019.
Vision loss and diabetic retinopathy prevalence and risk among a cohort of Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians with type 2 diabetes receiving renal haemodialysis treatment
Diabetic nephropathy, vision loss and diabetic retinopathy are frequent comorbidities among individuals with type 2 diabetes (T2D). The Retinopathy in People Currently On Renal Dialysis study sought to examine the epidemiology and risk of vision impairment and among a cohort of Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians with T2D currently receiving haemodialysis for end-stage renal failure.
Correction to: Can flash glucose monitoring improve glucose management for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples with type 2 diabetes? A protocol for a randomised controlled trial (Trials, (2024), 25, 1, (493), 10.1186/s13063-024-08267-7)
Generating evidence to inform responsive and effective actions for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adolescent health and well-being: a mix method protocol for evidence integration 'the Roadmap Project'
Australia does not have a national strategy for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adolescent health and as a result, policy and programming actions are fragmented and may not be responsive to needs. Efforts to date have also rarely engaged Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in co-designing solutions. The Roadmap Project aims to work in partnership with young people to define priority areas of health and well-being need and establish the corresponding developmentally appropriate, evidence-based actions.
Translation of culturally and contextually informed diabetes training for Aboriginal primary health care providers on Aboriginal client outcomes: Protocol of a cluster randomized crossover trial of effectiveness
Indigenous populations globally have significantly high rates of type 2 diabetes compared to their non-Indigenous counterparts. This study aims to implement and evaluate the effectiveness of a culturally and contextually informed Aboriginal Diabetes Workforce Training Program on Aboriginal primary health care workforce knowledge, attitude, confidence, skill and practice relating to diabetes care.
Can flash glucose monitoring improve glucose management for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples with type 2 diabetes? A protocol for a randomised controlled trial
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples are disproportionately impacted by type 2 diabetes. Continuous glucose monitoring technology (such as Abbott Freestyle Libre 2, previously referred to as Flash Glucose Monitoring) offers real-time glucose monitoring that is convenient and easy to use compared to self-monitoring of blood glucose.
Aged care service use by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people after aged care eligibility assessments, 2017–2019: a population-based retrospective cohort study
To characterise the socio-demographic characteristics, aged and health care needs, and aged care services used by older Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people assessed for aged care service eligibility.
Towards precision cancer medicine for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cancer health equity
Delivering cancer control at scale for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities is a national priority that requires Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander leadership and codesign, as well as significant involvement of the Aboriginal community-controlled health sector. The unique genomic variation observed among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples may have implications for standard and precision medicine.
Workforce training needs to address social and emotional wellbeing in home-based Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander aged care
To explore the training needs of the home care workforce in supporting the social and emotional wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples receiving aged care services through the Home Care Package Program.
Health and well-being needs of Indigenous adolescents: A protocol for a scoping review of qualitative studies
Improving the health of Indigenous adolescents is central to addressing the health inequities faced by Indigenous peoples. To achieve this, it is critical to understand what is needed from the perspectives of Indigenous adolescents themselves. There have been many qualitative studies that capture the perspectives of Indigenous young people, but synthesis of these has been limited to date.
Supporting best practice in the management of chronic diseases in primary health care settings: a scoping review of training programs for Indigenous Health Workers and Practitioners
To improve diabetes management in primary health care for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples population, training programs that are culturally and contextually relevant to the local context are required. Using a scoping review methodology, the aim of this review was to describe the characteristics of chronic disease management training programs for Aboriginal Health Workers and Practitioners, their effectiveness on knowledge and skills, and client-related outcomes, and the enablers, barriers to delivery and participation.
2023 Australian guideline for assessing and managing cardiovascular disease risk
The 2023 Australian guideline for assessing and managing cardiovascular disease risk provides updated evidence-based recommendations for the clinical assessment and management of cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk for primary prevention. It includes the new Australian CVD risk calculator based on an equation developed from a large New Zealand cohort study, customised and recalibrated for the Australian population. The new guideline replaces the 2012 guideline that recommended CVD risk assessment using the Framingham risk equation.
Codesigning enhanced models of care for Northern Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander youth with type 2 diabetes: study protocol
Premature onset of type 2 diabetes and excess mortality are critical issues internationally, particularly in Indigenous populations. There is an urgent need for developmentally appropriate and culturally safe models of care. We describe the methods for the codesign, implementation and evaluation of enhanced models of care with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander youth living with type 2 diabetes across Northern Australia.
The Social and Emotional Well-being of Indigenous Peoples Living With Diabetes: A Systematic Review Protocol
Globally, Indigenous people have a greater incidence and earlier onset of diabetes than the general population and have higher documented rates of emotional distress and mental illness. This systematic review will provide a synthesis and critical appraisal of the evidence focused on the social and emotional well-being of Indigenous peoples living with diabetes, including prevalence, impact, moderators, and the efficacy of interventions.
The landscape of genomic structural variation in Indigenous Australians
Indigenous Australians harbour rich and unique genomic diversity. However, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ancestries are historically under-represented in genomics research and almost completely missing from reference datasets. Addressing this representation gap is critical, both to advance our understanding of global human genomic diversity and as a prerequisite for ensuring equitable outcomes in genomic medicine.
Feasibility and acceptability of the use of flash glucose monitoring encountered by Indigenous Australians with type 2 diabetes mellitus: initial experiences from a pilot study
Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is highly prevalent within the Indigenous Australian community. Novel glucose monitoring technology offers an accurate approach to glycaemic management, providing real-time information on glucose levels and trends. The acceptability and feasibilility of this technology in Indigenous Australians with T2DM has not been investigated.
Exploring self-determined solutions to service and system challenges to promote social and emotional wellbeing in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people: a qualitative study
Many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people living on Kaurna Country in northern Adelaide experience adverse health and social circumstances. The Taingiwilta Pirku Kawantila study sought to understand challenges facing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and identify solutions for the health and social service system to promote social and emotional wellbeing.
Circulating epigenomic biomarkers correspond with kidney disease susceptibility in high-risk populations with type 2 diabetes mellitus
To investigate epigenomic indices of diabetic kidney disease (DKD) susceptibility among high-risk populations with type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Clinical Pathway for Coronary Atherosclerosis in Patients Without Conventional Modifiable Risk Factors: JACC State-of-the-Art Review
Reducing the incidence and prevalence of standard modifiable cardiovascular risk factors (SMuRFs) is critical to tackling the global burden of coronary artery disease (CAD). However, a substantial number of individuals develop coronary atherosclerosis despite no SMuRFs. SMuRFless patients presenting with myocardial infarction have been observed to have an unexpected higher early mortality compared to their counterparts with at least 1 SMuRF.
Association between maternal hyperglycemia in pregnancy and offspring anthropometry in early childhood: the pandora wave 1 study
In-utero hyperglycemia exposure influences later cardiometabolic risk, although few studies include women with pre-existing type 2 diabetes (T2D) or assess maternal body mass index (BMI) as a potential confounder.
A Clinical Guide for Assessment and Prescription of Exercise and Physical Activity in Cardiac Rehabilitation. A CSANZ Position Statement
Patients with cardiovascular disease benefit from cardiac rehabilitation, which includes structured exercise and physical activity as core components. This position statement provides pragmatic, evidence-based guidance for the assessment and prescription of exercise and physical activity for cardiac rehabilitation clinicians, recognising the latest international guidelines, scientific evidence and the increasing use of technology and virtual delivery methods.
Non-communicable disease mortality in young people with a history of contact with the youth justice system in Queensland, Australia: a retrospective, population-based cohort study
Young people who have had contact with the criminal justice system are at increased risk of early death, especially from injuries. However, deaths due to non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in this population remain poorly described. We aimed to estimate mortality due to NCDs in people with a history of involvement with the youth justice system, compare NCD mortality rates in this population with those in the general population, and characterise demographic and justice-related factors associated with deaths caused by NCDs in people with a history of contact with the youth justice system.
Incidence of Stroke in the Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal Populations of Australia: A Data Linkage Study
Most estimates of stroke incidence among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (hereinafter Aboriginal) Australians are confined to single regions and include small sample sizes. We aimed to measure and compare stroke incidence in Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal residents across central and western Australia.
More than dirt: Sedimentary ancient DNA and Indigenous Australia
The rise of sedimentary ancient DNA (sedaDNA) studies has opened new possibilities for studying past environments. This groundbreaking area of genomics uses sediments to identify organisms, even in cases where macroscopic remains no longer exist. Managing this substrate in Indigenous Australian contexts, however, requires special considerations. Sediments and soils are often considered as waste by-products during archaeological and paleontological excavations and are not typically regulated by the same ethics guidelines utilised in mainstream 'western' research paradigms.
Cardiometabolic Risk Markers for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children and Youths: A Systematic Review of Data Quality and Population Prevalence
Cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes mellitus are leading contributors to the health inequity experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, and their antecedents can be identified from early childhood. We aimed to establish the quality of available data and the prevalence of cardiometabolic risk markers among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and youths (0-24-year-olds) to inform public health approaches.
Getting to the heart of the matter: a research partnership with Aboriginal women in South and Central Australia
Within the vast majority of qualitative health research involving Indigenous populations, Indigenous people have been marginalised from research conceptualisation and conduct. This reflects a lack of regard for Indigenous ways of knowing, being, and doing, has served to perpetuate deficit narratives of Indigenous peoples’ health and wellbeing, and contributes to failure in addressing inequities as a result of ongoing colonisation and institutionalised oppression and racism.
From Deficit to Strength-Based Aboriginal Health Research—Moving toward Flourishing
Aboriginal Australians have a fundamental human right to opportunities that lead to healthy and flourishing lives. While the impact of trauma on Aboriginal Australians is well-documented, a pervasive deficit narrative that focuses on problems and pathology persists in research and policy discourse.
Further investment in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men's health research funding is urgently required
Exploring the Reported Strengths and Limitations of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Research: A Narrative Review of Intervention Studies
High quality intervention research is needed to inform evidence-based practice and policy for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. We searched for studies published from 2008-2020 in the PubMed database. A narrative review of intervention literature was conducted, where we identified researcher reported strengths and limitations of their research practice.
Murru Minya-informing the development of practical recommendations to support ethical conduct in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health research: a protocol for a national mixed-methods study
Conducting ethical and high-quality health research is crucial for informing public health policy and service delivery to reduce the high and inequitable burden of disease experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
Indigenous peoples and inclusion in clinical and genomic research: Understanding the history and navigating contemporary engagement
Despite significant improvements in pediatric cancer survival outcomes, there remain glaring disparities in under-represented racial and ethnic groups that warrant mitigation by the scientific and clinical community. To address and work towards eliminating such disparities, the Pacific Pediatric Neuro-Oncology Consortium (PNOC) and Children's Brain Tumor Network (CBTN) established a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) working group in 2020. The DEI working group is dedicated to improving access to care for all pediatric patients with central nervous system (CNS) tumors, broadening diversity within the research community, and providing sustainable data-driven solutions.
Randomised clinical trial using Coronary Artery Calcium Scoring in Australian Women with Novel Cardiovascular Risk Factors (CAC-WOMEN Trial): Study protocol
Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death in women around the world. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women (Australian Indigenous women) have a high burden of CVD, occurring on average 10-20 years earlier than non-Indigenous women.
Effective primary care management of type 2 diabetes for indigenous populations: A systematic review
Indigenous peoples in high income countries are disproportionately affected by Type 2 Diabetes. Socioeconomic disadvantages and inadequate access to appropriate healthcare are important contributors.
Strengthening assessment and response to mental health needs for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and adolescents in primary care settings: study protocol for the Ngalaiya Boorai Gabara Budbut implementation project
Opportunities for improved mental health and wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and young people lie in improving the capability of primary healthcare services to identify mental healthcare needs and respond in timely and appropriate ways.
Education and Qualifications
- University of Newcastle, NSW, Australia - Bachelor
- Braun School of Public Health and Community Medicine, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Isreal - Master of Public Health
- University of Queensland, QLD, Australia - PhD
- 1995 - AMA Indigenous Medical Student Scholarship
- 2004 - 2007 - National Heart Foundation Postgraduate Research Scholarship
- 2006 - Fellow of the Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand
- 2009 - 2010 - National Heart Foundation of Australia Post-Doctoral Fellowship
- 2009 - Wunderly Oration - Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand
- 2009 - Colin Johnstone Lecturer High Blood Pressure Research Council of Australia
- 2013 - International Diabetes Federation. Diabetes in Indigenous Peoples Award Lecture
- 2013 - 2017 - Charles and Sylvia Viertel Charitable Trust Senior Medical Research Fellowship
- 2014 - Fellow of the Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences
- 2019 - John Chalmers Oration (Flinders University)
- 2019 - Florey Lecture (University of Adelaide)