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Jacinta Freeman

Program Manager

Jacinta Freeman

Program Manager, Youth Mental Health


+61 63191699


Jacinta has a background in nursing and midwifery. She completed a Master in Public Health and has worked on a number of projects in the public health field including, tobacco control, road safety, youth and alcohol and sun protection. Jacinta commenced as a research assistant for the Alcohol and Pregnancy team working on the first project in Australia to identify to prevalence of FASD in the youth justice system. In the Youth Mental Health team Jacinta was responsible for the report, ‘Informing Youth Suicide Prevention for WA’. Jacinta is currently the program manager for the Youth Mental health team.


safeTALK training for young people experiencing homelessness: a community-based trial

Working towards a shared framework in the diagnosis of neurodevelopmental disorders in Australia: A Gap Analysis

Youth Suicide Prevention Modelling Project

Mind The Distance

Published research

Neuropsychological profiles of adolescents sentenced to detention in Western Australia with and without prenatal alcohol exposure

Youth with prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) are under-recognised in the justice system, warranting improved identification. This study aimed to compare neuropsychological profiles of adolescents, with and without PAE and identify neuropsychological tasks predictive of PAE-group membership. It was hypothesised that participants with PAE would score significantly lower on neuropsychological tests.

Priority setting for children and young people with chronic conditions and disabilities

The aim of this project was to identify the top 10 priorities for childhood chronic conditions and disability (CCD) research from the perspectives of children and young people with lived experience, their parents and caregivers and the professionals who work with them.

Comprehensive Clinical Paediatric Assessment of Children and Adolescents Sentenced to Detention in Western Australia

To describe the comprehensive clinical paediatric assessment of a representative sample of children and adolescents (young people) sentenced to detention in Western Australia (WA) and participating in the first Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) prevalence study.

Improving the Journey Before, During and After Diagnosis of a Neurodevelopmental Condition: Suggestions from a Sample of Australian Consumers and Professionals

The current study used a transdiagnostic approach to explore experiences of consumers and professionals on how the process of assessing and diagnosing neurodevelopmental conditions can be improved.

Mind the distance: experiences of non-face-to-face child and youth mental health services during COVID-19 social distancing restrictions in Western Australia

Following the outbreak of COVID-19, social distancing restrictions limited access to face-to-face mental health services in Western Australia (WA), necessitating a rapid transition to non-face-to-face alternatives, including telehealth. The current study investigated barriers and facilitators to telehealth access and engagement, and preferences for child and youth mental health service delivery during and beyond COVID-19.

They Told Me “This Isn’t a Hotel”: Young People’s Experiences and Perceptions of Care When Presenting to the Emergency Department with Suicide-Related Behaviour

In Australia, the number of young people presenting to the emergency department with mental health concerns, in particular, suicidal behaviour (defined here as suicidal ideation, thoughts, intent and attempts) is increasing.

Putting ‘Justice’ in Recovery Capital: Yarning about Hopes and Futures with Young People in Detention

We must celebrate success and hope through a process of mapping and building recovery capital in the justice context at an individual and institutional level

Disability "In-Justice": Benefits and Challenges of "Yarning" With Young People Undergoing Diagnostic Assessment for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder in Youth Detention

We report the findings from a qualitative study that took place alongside a fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) prevalence study among detainees in Australia

Education and Qualifications
  • Master of Public Health Curtin University
  • Bachelor Science (Nursing) Curtin University