Brad Farrant
Co-Head, Aboriginal Health and Wellbeing
BSc (Hons), PhD
Associate Professor Brad Farrant has been at The Kids Research Institute Australia since 2010. Prior to joining the Institute he completed a Bachelor of Science with Honours and a PhD in Developmental Psychology at the University of Western Australia.
Brad is a wadjella (non-Aboriginal person) who was born on Whadjuk Noongar Boodja in Bentley and grew up in different places around Western Australia. Brad is the Regional Lead for the Healthy Environments and Lives (HEAL) Network in Western Australia. Much of his research focuses on the importance of early childhood development including how broader ecological factors like climate change, biodiversity loss, population growth, and peak water will interact to affect children's development now and in the future. He is particularly interested in how to connect this to strengths of Aboriginal people and culture.
Ngulluk Moort, Ngulluk Boodja, Ngulluk Wirin (Our Family, Our Country, Our Spirit) Out-of-Home Care Study
We are working with the leadership and staff at foster care agencies and community members to provide information about cultural connection, and cultural activity and resources for Aboriginal children living in non-Aboriginal care arrangements.
Koolungar (Children) Moorditj (Strong) Healthy Skin
The Koolungar (children) Moorditj (strong) Healthy Skin project is the first ever co-designed research-service Australian study to describe skin health in urban-living Aboriginal koolungar.
Ngulluk Koolunga Ngulluk Koort (Our Children, Our Heart) Program
Brings the Aboriginal community(s) of Perth together with service providers & policy makers to improve outcomes for Aboriginal kids and their families.
Aboriginal Urban Healthy Skin study
Determinants and Outcomes of Preterm Birth & Pathways into Developmental Disorders
The Child Mortality Research Program
Bush Tucker and Vitamin D
This five-year project in Western Australia (WA) aims to promote vitamin D sufficiency among Aboriginal people by developing food-based dietary strategies to increase vitamin D intakes and by encouraging safe sun exposure.
Published research
Moort dandjoo kaadadjiny: Growing up aboriginal kids strong in their culture and identity
Community Elders in Boorloo (Perth) identified early childhood education (ECE) as a priority area for Aboriginal children’s research. This is due to a lower number of Aboriginal children attending ECE programs compared to non-Aboriginal children. Attending ECE programs sets children up for school success and is an indicator for positive life outcomes in later life. Therefore, we sought to co-design and implement a program that encourages Aboriginal children and families to attend ECE programs, known as Moort Dandjoo Kaadadjiny.
Skin health of urban-living Aboriginal children attending a primary care Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation clinic
Despite increasing urbanisation, little is known about skin health for urban-living Aboriginal children and young people (CYP, aged <18 years). This study aimed to investigate the primary care burden and clinical characteristics of skin conditions in this cohort.
The Koolungar Moorditj Healthy Skin Project: Elder and Community Led Resources Strengthen Aboriginal Voice for Skin Health
In partnership with local Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations, the Elder-led co-designed Koolungar Moorditj Healthy Skin project is guided by principles of reciprocity, capacity building, respect, and community involvement. Through this work, the team of Elders, community members, clinicians and research staff have gained insight into the skin health needs of urban-living Aboriginal koolungar (children); and having identified a lack of targeted and culturally appropriate health literacy and health promotion resources on moorditj (strong) skin, prioritised development of community-created healthy skin resources.
Bereaved parent involvement in co-designed stillbirth research: Experiences of Project Engage
While benefits of involving consumers in research are well established, bereaved parents face unique challenges, and descriptions of their experiences with co-designed stillbirth research are lacking. The collective experience of ‘Project Engage’ involved co-designing resources to support bereaved parents’ involvement in research.
Skin health of Aboriginal children living in urban communities
Skin concerns are frequent among urban-living Aboriginal children, yet specialist dermatology consultations are limited with studies highlighting the need for improved cultural security. Through newly established paediatric dermatology clinics at two urban Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations (ACCHOs), we aimed to describe clinic and patient data, including disease frequencies and associations, to inform dermatology service provision and advocacy.
Relational processes for transformative climate justice policymaking: insights from a Western Australian community of practice
This article explores how relational approaches to policymaking across multiple levels and sectors of society might enable transformative climate justice. It draws on a unique case study from the state of Western Australia, where climate justice is thwarted by the coloniality of climate politics and the hegemony of the fossil fuel industry.
Ngulluk Moort, Ngulluk Boodja, Ngulluk Wirin (our family, our country, our spirit): An Aboriginal Participatory Action Research study protocol
We are working with the leadership and staff at foster care agencies and community members to provide information about cultural connection, and cultural activity and resources for Aboriginal children living in non-Aboriginal care arrangements.
First Nations Peoples’ perceptions, knowledge and beliefs regarding stillbirth prevention and bereavement practices: A mixed methods systematic review
First Nations Peoples endure disproportionate rates of stillbirth compared with non-First Nations Peoples. Previous interventions have aimed at reducing stillbirth in First Nations Peoples and providing better bereavement care without necessarily understanding the perceptions, knowledge and beliefs that could influence the design of the intervention and implementation.
Describing skin health and disease in urban-living Aboriginal children: co-design, development and feasibility testing of the Koolungar Moorditj Healthy Skin pilot project
Indigenous children in colonised nations experience high rates of health disparities linked to historical trauma resulting from displacement and dispossession, as well as ongoing systemic racism. Skin infections and their complications are one such health inequity, with the highest global burden described in remote-living Australian Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander (hereafter respectfully referred to as Aboriginal) children. Yet despite increasing urbanisation, little is known about the skin infection burden for urban-living Aboriginal children.
Improving the capacity of researchers and bereaved parents to co-design and translate stillbirth research together
Working with bereaved parents in co-designed stillbirth research, policy and practice is essential to improving care and outcomes.
First Nations populations' perceptions, knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, and myths about prevention and bereavement in stillbirth: a mixed methods systematic review protocol
The objective of this review is to investigate First Nations populations' perceptions, knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, and myths about stillbirth.
A Research Translation, Implementation and Impact Strategy for the Australian Healthy Environments and Lives (HEAL) Research Network
Healthy Environments And Lives (HEAL) is the Australian national research network established to support improvements to health, the Australian health system, and the environment in response to the unfolding climate crisis. The HEAL Network comprises researchers, community members and organisations, policymakers, practitioners, service providers, and other stakeholders from diverse backgrounds and sectors.
Health Outcomes of Children Living in Out-of-Home Care in Metropolitan Western Australia: A Sequential Mixed-Methods Study—A Protocol Paper
The research protocol described aims to examine and establish the health outcomes of children and young people living in Out-of-Home Care (OOHC) in Perth, Western Australia from the perspective of the care recipients and service providers. A Study Advisory Panel will be established comprised of Aboriginal Elders (because of the over-representation of Aboriginal children in OOHC), health professionals and other relevant stakeholders to help co-design all phases of the study.
Healthy Environments and Lives (HEAL): Australian research network in human health and environmental change
The HEAL Network aims to strengthen the Australian health system and community resilience to climate change, extreme events, and environmental degradation.
Severe maternal morbidity following stillbirth in Western Australia 2000–2015: a population-based study
There is scant literature about the management of stillbirth and the subsequent risk of severe maternal morbidity (SMM). We aimed to assess the risk of SMM associated with stillbirths compared with live births and whether this differed by the presence of maternal comorbidities.
“We don’t want you to come in and make a decision for us”: Traversing cultural authority and responsive regulation in Australian child protection systems
The Ngulluk Koolunga Ngulluk Koort (Our Children Our Heart) project conducted extensive Elder and community consultation to develop principles and practice recommendations for child protection governance in Western Australia. We explore these principles and practice recommendations and highlight the need for culturally safe community consultation and governance with a focus on repairing damage incurred by the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community from past child protection policies.
Caesarean section following antepartum stillbirth in Western Australia 2010–2015: A population-based study
There is scant literature about antepartum stillbirth management but guidelines usually recommend reserving caesarean sections for exceptional circumstances. However, little is known about caesarean section rates following antepartum stillbirth in Australia.
Prevalence and predictors of vitamin D deficiency in a nationally representative sample of Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adults
Vitamin D deficiency (serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) concentration <50 nmol/l) is recognised as a public health problem globally. The present study details the prevalence and predictors of vitamin D deficiency in a nationally representative sample of Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adults aged >/=18 years.
Patterns of recurrent preterm birth in Western Australia: A 36-year state-wide population-based study
It is known that a previous preterm birth increases the risk of a subsequent preterm birth, but a limited number of studies have examined this beyond two consecutive pregnancies. This study aimed to assess the risk and patterns of (recurrent) preterm birth up to the fourth pregnancy.
Climate change, activism, and supporting the mental health of children and young people: Perspectives from Western Australia
The climate crisis has detrimental impacts on the mental health and wellbeing of children and young people. Psychological effects include feelings of fear, overwhelm, worry, distress, hopelessness and anger; PTSD; depression; anxiety; phobias; panic disorder; sleep disturbances; attachment disorders; learning difficulties; substance abuse; shock and trauma symptoms; adjustment problems; behavioural problems; and, suicidal thinking.
Knowing your audience: Investigating stillbirth knowledge and perceptions in the general population to inform future public health campaigns
The prevalence of stillbirth in many high income countries like Australia has remained unchanged for over 30 years. The 2018 Australian government Senate Select Committee on Stillbirth Research and Education highlighted the need for a public health campaign to encourage public conversations and increase awareness.
Disparities in severe neonatal morbidity and mortality between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal births in Western Australia: a decomposition analysis
The health disadvantages faced by Australian Aboriginal peoples are evidenced in early life, although few studies have focused on the reasons for population-level inequalities in more severe adverse outcomes. This study aimed to examine the scale of disparity in severe neonatal morbidity (SNM) and mortality between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal births and quantify the relative contributions of important maternal and infant factors.
The impact of maternal prenatal mental health disorders on stillbirth and infant mortality: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Evidence about the association between maternal mental health disorders and stillbirth and infant mortality is limited and conflicting. We aimed to examine whether maternal prenatal mental health disorders are associated with stillbirth and/or infant mortality. MEDLINE, Embase, PsycINFO, and Scopus were searched for studies examining the association of any maternal prenatal (occurring before or during pregnancy) mental health disorder(s) and stillbirth or infant mortality. A random-effects meta-analysis was used to calculate pooled odds ratios (ORs) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs). The between-study heterogeneity was quantified using the I2 statistic. Subgroup analyses were performed to identify the source of heterogeneity.
Prevalence and predictors of vitamin D deficiency in a nationally representative sample of Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adults
Vitamin D deficiency (serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) concentration <50 nmol/l) is recognised as a public health problem globally. The present study details the prevalence and predictors of vitamin D deficiency in a nationally representative sample (n 3250) of Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adults aged ≥18 years. We used data from the 2012-2013 Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Survey (AATSIHS). Serum 25(OH)D concentrations were measured by liquid chromatography-tandem MS.
Socioethnic disparities in severe maternal morbidity in Western Australia: a statewide retrospective cohort study
To assess the scale of ethnic inequalities in severe maternal morbidity (SMM) rates and quantify the contribution of maternal characteristics to these disparities. This is a retrospective cohort study. A whole-of-population linked administrative data from 2002 to 2015 in Western Australia.
Profile of severely growth-restricted births undelivered at 40 weeks in Western Australia
Higher levels of poor perinatal outcomes among FGR births highlight the importance of appropriate management including fetal growth monitoring
Role of maternal mental health disorders on stillbirth and infant mortality risk: a protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis
We plan to examine whether prenatal maternal mental health disorders impact the risk of stillbirth and infant mortality
Stillbirth risk prediction using machine learning for a large cohort of births from Western Australia, 1980–2015
Almost half of stillbirths could be potentially identified antenatally based on a combination of factors
Raising strong, solid Koolunga: Values and beliefs about early child development among Perth's Aboriginal community
We detail the unique findings from an Aboriginal early child development research project with a specific focus on the Nyoongar/Aboriginal community of Perth
Disparities between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal perinatal mortality rates in Western Australia from 1980 to 2015
This study aimed to examine the pattern of stillbirth and neonatal mortality rate disparities over time in Western Australia
The impact of pre-pregnancy body mass index and gestational weight gain on placental abruption risk: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Mothers that are underweight prior to or in early pregnancy are at a moderately increased risk of placental abruption
Delivering Elder- and Community-Led Aboriginal Early Childhood Development Research: Lessons from the Ngulluk Koolunga Ngulluk Koort Project
We describe the application of a participatory action research methodology that is grounded in Aboriginal worldviews
Does Child Care in the First Year of Life Pose a Risk for Concurrent and Future Ear Infections?
The longitudinal analyses found no evidence of increased (or decreased) long-term risk of ear infections in subsequent waves associated with attending a child care centre
Trends and predictors of extreme preterm birth: Western Australian population-based cohort study
First study to show that the increase in extreme preterm birth in high-income jurisdiction is no longer evident after medical terminations and birth defects are excluded
Childcare Use and Its Role in Indigenous Child Development: Evidence from the Longitudinal Study of Indigenous Children in Australia
Relatively disadvantaged children might benefit more from attending childcare, as indicated by the positive estimated effects found for those who never attended childcare
The impact of racial discrimination on the health of Australian Indigenous children aged 5–10 years: analysis of national longitudinal data
Direct and persistent vicarious racial discrimination are detrimental to the physical and mental health of Indigenous children in Australia
Maternal ethnicity, stillbirth and neonatal death risk in Western Australia 1998–2010
Difference in stillbirth and neonatal death rates in Western Australia (1998-2010) by maternal ethnicity
What we know about suicide prevention for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples
This fact sheet addresses what we currently know about suicide prevention for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
Suicide prevention for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people: Fact Sheet 3
This is the third fact sheet regarding the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Suicide Prevention Evaluation Project.
Maladaptive parenting and child emotional symptoms in the early school years
The current study investigated whether being exposed to maladaptive parenting (high hostility and low warmth) and/or marital conflict in infancy is...
Early Vocabulary Development of Australian Indigenous Children: Identifying Strengths
The current study sought to increase our understanding of the factors involved in the early vocabulary development of Australian Indigenous children.
Cognitive Flexibility, Theory of Mind, and Hyperactivity/Inattention
The present study analyzed the concurrent and longitudinal relations among cognitive flexibility, theory of mind, and hyperactivity/inattention.
Climate change, child health and the role of the paediatric profession in under-resourced settings
Climate change and its health impacts are increasingly recognised by the world's leading medical organisations and journals.
Fetal Testosterone, Socio-Emotional Engagement and Language Development
The present study investigated the relations among fetal testosterone, child socio-emotional engagement and language development...
Parent–child book reading across early childhood and child vocabulary in the early school years
The current study investigated the extent to which low levels of joint attention in infancy and parent-child book reading across early childhood increase the...
Maternal Attachment Status, Mother-Child Emotion Talk, Emotion Understanding, and Child Conduct Problems
The present study investigated the relations among maternal attachment status, mother-child emotion talk, child emotion understanding, and conduct problems...
Empathy, Perspective Taking and Prosocial Behaviour: The Importance of Parenting Practices
The current study analyzed the relationships among maternal empathy, parenting that encourages the child to take the perspective of others andcognitive empathy.
Language, cognitive flexibility, and explicit false belief understanding: Longitudinal analysis in typical development and specific language impairment
The current study sought to further investigate in 91 English-speaking typically developing children and 30 children with specific language impairment...
Joint attention and parent-child book reading
Good language development is an integral component of school readiness and academic achievement.