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Research theme leaders

BA (Education) PhD Candidate
Director of First Nations Strategy and Leadership; Co-Head, Strep A Translation

BSc (Hons) PhD
Acting Director, Research; Research Theme Head, Brain and Behaviour

Theme Head, Chronic & Severe Diseases; Clinical Lead, Diabetes and Obesity Research

BMedSci (Dist) MBBS, PhD (Dist) FRACP
Research Theme Head, Early Environment; Team Lead, Chronobiology
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Moort dandjoo kaadadjiny: Growing up aboriginal kids strong in their culture and identity
Community Elders in Boorloo (Perth) identified early childhood education (ECE) as a priority area for Aboriginal children’s research. This is due to a lower number of Aboriginal children attending ECE programs compared to non-Aboriginal children. Attending ECE programs sets children up for school success and is an indicator for positive life outcomes in later life. Therefore, we sought to co-design and implement a program that encourages Aboriginal children and families to attend ECE programs, known as Moort Dandjoo Kaadadjiny.
Pregnancy with multiple high-risk factors: a systematic review and meta-analysis
A wide spectrum of high-risk factors in pregnancy can lead to adverse pregnancy outcomes or short- or long-term health effects. Despite this, there has been no synthesis of findings on the measurement, potential causes, and health outcomes of multiple high-risk factors in pregnancy. We aimed to address this gap by summarising the existing research on this topic.
Are we missing opportunities to detect acute rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease in hospital care? A multijurisdictional cohort study
This study aimed to investigate potential missed diagnoses of acute rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease during hospital-based care among persons subsequently identified with these conditions.
Antimicrobial resistance in Staphylococcus aureus and Enterococci spp. isolates from bloodstream infections in Australian children, 2013 - 2021
Rising proportions of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) have been observed in both Staphylococcus aureus and Enterococcus spp. isolates.