Jennifer Kent
Clinical Research Manager
Jennifer completed her Diploma of Nursing in 1986 at Fremantle Hospital. After working at Darwin Hospital she returned to work in Perth at a busy medical practice. This work included working in minor day surgery theatre and as the practice nurse.
Jennifer joined The Kids Research Institute Australia in 2000, initially working on the Childhood Asthma Study.
She then joined the Vaccine Trials Group in 2002 and worked as a study coordinator on many sponsored and investigator-initiated studies during this time. She has a keen interest in childhood immunisation and enjoys the interaction with the many participants and their families..
Jennifer is now the Clinical Research Manager and oversees the busy clinical trials area, liaising with many other collaborators to ensure the smooth running of this group.
A Phase 3, Randomized, Observer-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Group-Sequential Study to Determine the Immunogenicity and Safety of a Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) F Nanoparticle Vaccine with Aluminium in Healthy Third-trimester Pregnant Women; and Safety
A Phase 3, randomized, double-blind trial to evaluate the safety and immunogenicity of a 20-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine given as a series of 2 infant doses and 1 toddler dose in healthy infants (NeXXstep)
A Phase I/II, Multicentre, Observer-blinded, Randomized, Active Controlled, Clinical Trial to Assess the Reactogenicity, Safety and Immunogenicity of a combined Tetanus, Diphtheria, Acellular Pertussis and Poliomyelitis Vaccine (SIIPL Tdap-IPV) in Compari
A Phase III, randomized, controlled, observer-blind study to demonstrate effectiveness, immunogenicity and safety of GSK's meningococcal Group B and combined ABCWY vaccines when administered to healthy adolescents and young adults (Quintet)
Testing the meningococcal conjugate vaccine MenACWY-TT in toddlers
Study of an oral medication for infants hospitalized with Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) infection
PneumoWA: A case-control study of the role of viral and bacterial pathogens in causing pneumonia among Western Australian children
Phase 2b Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Study to Evaluate the Safety and Efficacy of MEDI8897, a Monoclonal Antibody With an Extended Half-life Against Respiratory Syncytial Virus, in Healthy Preterm Infants
Efficacy, Immunogenicity, and Safety Study of Clostridium difficile Toxoid Vaccine in Subjects at Risk for C. difficile Infection
Duration of Pertussis Immunity in Adults: A Study of Health Care Workers
A Phase II Randomized, Controlled, Observer-Blinded Study, Conducted to Describe the Immunogenicity, Safety, and Tolerability of a Neisseria Meningitidis Serogroup B Bivalent Recombinant Lipoprotein 2086 Vaccine When Administered to Healthy Toddlers
A Phase 3 Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled Study to Evaluate the Safety and Efficacy of MEDI8897, a Monoclonal Antibody With an Extended Half-life Against Respiratory Syncytial Virus, in Healthy Late Preterm and Term Infants (MELODY)
Protective Vaccine Responses in Infants after Maternal Pertussis Vaccination (PRIME) Study
Pertaprime: An investigator-driven phase II-III randomised, observer-blind, controlled trial to demonstrate non-inferior immunogenicity of Pertagen® in comparison to Boostrix® in healthy young Australian adults aged 18-25 years
BCG vaccination to Reduce the impact of COVID-19 in Australian healthcare workers following Coronavirus Exposure (BRACE) Trial
ATOMIC Ears: A Phase IIB randomised controlled trial to assess safety, tolerability and acceptability of a 5-day Dornase alfa treatment as an adjunct therapy to ventilation tube insertion for otitis media in children
A randomized, controlled, observer-blind, phase 1/2a study to evaluate the safety, reactogenicity, and immunogenicity of Ad26.RSV.preF in RSV-seronegative toddlers 12 to 24 months of age
A phase 3, multicenter, randomized, double-blind, active-comparator-controlled study to evaluate the safety, tolerability, and immunogenicity of V114 in healthy infants (PNEU-PED-EU-1)
A phase 3, multicenter, randomized, double-blind, active comparator-controlled study to evaluate the safety and tolerability of V114 in healthy infants (PNEULINK)
July 2020
OPTIMUM: OPTimising IMmunisation Using Mixed schedules
Published research
Off-target effects of bacillus Calmette-Guerin vaccination on immune responses to SARS-CoV-2: implications for protection against severe COVID-19
Because of its beneficial off-target effects against non-mycobacterial infectious diseases, bacillus Calmette-Guérin vaccination might be an accessible early intervention to boost protection against novel pathogens. Multiple epidemiological studies and randomised controlled trials are investigating the protective effect of BCG against coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).
Education and Qualifications
1986 - Diploma of Nursing, Fremantle Hospital