Optimisation of sampling for a new Skin Microbiome assayAsha Janessa Tim Bowen Pickering Barnett BA MBBS DCH FRACP PhD GAICD FAHMS OAM BSc PhD PhD Head, Healthy Skin and ARF Prevention Senior Research
See, Treat, Prevent Skin Sores and Scabies (SToP) TrialHealthy skin is important for maintaining overall health and wellbeing. Some skin infections, if untreated, can lead to serious downstream health complications such as heart disease, kidney disease, or sepsis.
CASSETTE: Clindamycin Adjunctive therapy for Severe Staphylococcus aurEus Treatment Evaluation, a multi-centre, pilot randomised controlled trialAsha Tom Bowen Snelling BA MBBS DCH FRACP PhD GAICD FAHMS OAM BMBS DTMH GDipClinEpid PhD FRACP Head, Healthy Skin and ARF Prevention Head, Infectious
The Missing Piece Surveillance Study: A surveillance study for strep A pharyngitis and impetigo in the Kimberley, AustraliaThe Missing Piece Surveillance Study is a prospective surveillance study to determine the concurrent burden of skin and throat infections in children, from two remote communities in Northern Australia.
SNAP-PYThere are an estimated 5000 episodes per year of bloodstream infections due to Staphylococcus aureus (golden staph) in Australia and an associated mortality of 20%. Despite this, there is little clinical trials evidence to guide best management.