Alix Woolard
Senior Research Fellow
BPsych (Hons), PhD
+61 8 6319 1823
Dr Alix Woolard is a research fellow in Child Mental Health in the Healing Kids, Healing Families team and is working on the Embrace project. Alix’s current research is looking at childhood trauma and the ways we can identify, target, intervene and improve the lives of children and young people who have experienced trauma.
Alix currently coordinates research on a range of projects, including the Wellbeing Project (an intervention to improve the psychological recovery of children who experience medical trauma), and improving the support of families who have experienced a NICU admission.
Alix completed her Bachelor’s degree and PhD in Psychology at the University of Newcastle and is completing a Master of Clinical Psychology at Murdoch University. Alix is experienced in clinical developmental assessment and research methodology, and is passionate about cross-disciplinary collaboration. She has recently worked as a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Sydney’s Brain and Mind Institute focussing on neurodevelopmental research across the lifespan. Alix’s research background is in parent-child interactions, social development, early signs of autism and neurodevelopmental disabilities, and most recently, childhood trauma.
Education and Qualifications
- PhD – University of Newcastle
- Bachelor of Psychology (Hons I) – University of Newcastle
- Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule, research reliable administration – La Trobe University
- Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development, research reliable administration – Pearson Education
- Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (Fourth Edition) training
- Mental Health First Aid accreditation
- Working in Infant Mental Health, Warwick University
safeTALK suicide awareness training - Trauma-focused Cognitive Behavioural Therapy – Online accreditation
- Skills for Psychological recovery – Online accreditation
- Foundations of Research Supervision accreditation, The University of Sydney
- 2022 – Embrace travel award (AUD$5000)
- 2022 – ABC Top 5 in Science residency
- 2022 – The Kids Research Institute Australia, Emerging Leaders Program
- 2019 –Three-Minute Thesis People’s Choice Winner, University of Newcastle
- 2019 – Three-Minute Thesis Winner, Faculty of Science, University of Newcastle
- 2019 – Award for improving science in the face of challenge, Society for improvement of Psychological Science Mission
- 2019 – Faculty of Science HDR Conference Scholarship, University of Newcastle
- 2018 – PhD Research Grant, APEX Trust for Autism
- 2015 – Faculty Medal, University of Newcastle
Active Collaborations
- Casual Academic with the University of Newcastle
An Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander parenting program
The aim of this project is to develop and implement a culturally safe, responsive and trauma-informed parenting program for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families.
Wellbeing and Type 1 Diabetes
A community-led, trauma-informed psychosocial intervention to improve health outcomes of children and young people with Type-1 diabetes.
November 2023
Co-designing a trauma-informed program for parents whose infant has had a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) admission
Having a newborn child admitted into a NICU can be highly traumatic for parents. The compounding effects of the NICU clinical environment, having a seriously ill child, in addition to the inability to care or adequately bond with your child can be extremely distressing.
The Perspectives and Experiences of Trauma-Informed Practice Education and Training: From Early Career Teachers
This study aims to investigate early career teachers’ education, knowledge, perceptions and experiences of trauma-informed practice in Western Australia.
Building a culturally safe mental health system for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people
The impact of colonisation, genocide, and continuing discriminatory policies have created a context for ongoing disadvantage, trauma, and high rates of mental health issues for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people.
A trauma-focused program for childhood and adolescent dissociation
Dissociation is the act of separating oneself from reality and is often used by children and young people to disconnect from traumatic experiences.
Understanding autistic LGBTQA+ young people’s experiences of trauma: An intersectional approach
Recent research has consistently found significantly higher rates of gender and sexual diversity reported in the autistic population compared to the non-autistic population, and higher rates of autism reported in LGBTQA+ populations compared to cisgender and heterosexual populations
Wellbeing study
Burns are a common cause of emergency presentations, and most burn injuries happen to children and adolescents.
November 2020
Published research
#TraumaTok-TikTok Videos Relating to Trauma: Content Analysis
Experiencing a traumatic event can significantly impact mental and emotional well-being. Social media platforms offer spaces for sharing stories, seeking support, and accessing psychoeducation. TikTok (ByteDance), a rapidly growing social media platform, is increasingly used for advice, validation, and information, although the content of this requires further study.
Autism likelihood in infants born to mothers with asthma is associated with blood inflammatory gene biomarkers in pregnancy
Mothers with asthma or atopy have a higher likelihood of having autistic children, with maternal immune activation in pregnancy implicated as a mechanism. This study aimed to determine, in a prospective cohort of mothers with asthma and their infants, whether inflammatory gene expression in pregnancy is associated with likelihood of future autism.
Effect of fractional exhaled nitric oxide (FENO)-based asthma management during pregnancy versus usual care on infant development, temperament, sensory function and autism signs
Asthma during pregnancy is associated with a range of adverse perinatal outcomes. It is also linked to increased rates of neurodevelopmental conditions in the offspring. We aimed to assess whether fractional exhaled nitric oxide (FENO)-based asthma management during pregnancy improves child developmental and behavioural outcomes compared to usual care. The Breathing for Life Trial was a randomised controlled trial that compared FENO-based asthma management during pregnancy to usual care.
Treatment for Childhood and Adolescent Dissociation: A Systematic Review
Dissociative symptoms are linked to experiences of trauma, often originating in childhood and adolescence. Dissociative disorders are associated with a high burden of illness and a poor quality of life. Despite evidence suggesting that early intervention can improve outcomes, little research exists on the treatment of dissociative disorders in childhood and adolescence.
Pre-service teachers’ experiences with students impacted by Trauma in the school setting
Experiencing trauma can adversely impact a child's education and their lifelong social, physical and mental health. Trauma is poorly understood by those working within the education sector. Teachers play a pivotal role in recognising and helping when children display trauma-related behaviours, but risk re-traumatising children if not adequately trained. Pre-service teachers have limited exposure and experience in responding to the different needs experienced by children impacted by trauma.
A wellbeing program to promote mental health in paediatric burn patients: Study protocol
One of the most traumatic injuries a child can experience is a severe burn. Despite improvements in medical treatments which have led to better physical outcomes and reduced mortality rates for paediatric burns patients, the psychological impact associated with experiencing such a traumatic injury has mostly been overlooked. This is concerning given the high incidence of psychopathology amongst paediatric burn survivors.
“It's a big trauma for the family”: A qualitative insight into the psychological trauma of paediatric burns from the perspective of mothers
Despite the medical and surgical improvements of paediatric burn injuries, burn injuries can be a painful and traumatic experience for the child and their family. It is therefore important to explore the experiences of caregivers who support their child throughout the burn journey. Thus, the purpose of this study was to explore the traumatic nature of paediatric burns on the family from a caregiver's perspective.
The queers are all right: a content analysis of LGBTQIA + mental health on TikTok
The formation of online communities instils a sense of connectedness which can ameliorate the mental health concerns that result from minority stressors for lesbian, gay, queer, intersex, asexual, and other diverse genders/sexualities (LGBTQIA+). The aim of this study was to explore how LGBTQIA + people communicate social and mental health concerns on TikTok.
The relationship between pitch contours in infant-directed speech and early signs of autism in infancy
Mother-infant interactions during the first year of life are crucial to healthy infant development. The infant-directed speech (IDS), and specifically pitch contours, used by mothers during interactions are associated with infant language and social development.
The Investigation of Health-Related Topics on TikTok: A Descriptive Study Protocol
The social media application TikTok allows users to view and upload short-form videos. Recent evidence suggests it has significant potential for both industry and health promoters to influence public health behaviours. This protocol describes a standardised, replicable process for investigations that can be tailored to various areas of research interest, allowing comparison of content and features across public health topics.
"I just get scared it's going to happen again": a qualitative study of the psychosocial impact of pediatric burns from the child's perspective
Advances in medicine have improved the chances of survival following burn injuries, however, psychosocial outcomes have not seen the same improvement, and burn injuries can be distressing for both the child or young person, negatively affecting their wellbeing. Pediatric burn patients are at a higher risk of developing psychopathology compared to the general population.
The effectiveness of a day hospital mentalization-based therapy programme for adolescents with borderline personality traits: Findings from Touchstone—Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service
Individuals with borderline personality disorder (BPD) are at a substantial risk of harm to themselves and others, experience high levels of functional impairment and typically are high users of tertiary healthcare to address their mental health concerns. As indicators for BPD typically emerge in adolescence, a day therapy service in Bentley, Western Australia, Touchstone Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS), was developed as an intensive intervention for adolescents with indicators for BPD and its associated symptomology.
Reach and perceived effectiveness of a community-led active outreach postvention intervention for people bereaved by suicide
Postvention is a core component of suicide prevention strategies, internationally. However, the types of supports provided to people impacted by suicide vary widely. This study examines the perceived effectiveness of the Primary Care Navigator (PCN) model for people bereaved by suicide. The PCN model was implemented in response to a suicide cluster.
Parent-infant interaction quality is related to preterm status and sensory processing
Parent-infant interactions provide the foundation for the development of infant socioemotional wellbeing. Preterm birth can have a substantial, and often detrimental, impact on the quality of early parent-infant interactions. Sensory processing difficulties, common in preterm infants, are further associated with poorer interaction quality.
Resilience and Posttraumatic Growth after Burn: A Review of Barriers, Enablers, and Interventions to Improve Psychological Recovery
Burn injuries are traumatic experiences that can detrimentally impact an individual’s psychological and emotional wellbeing. Despite this, some survivors adapt to psychosocial challenges better than others despite similar characteristics relating to the burn.
The psychological impact of paediatric burn injuries: a systematic review
To review and synthesise qualitative literature regarding the psychological outcomes following paediatric burn injuries, and to determine if children and adolescents who experience a burn injury have elevated risk of psychopathology following the injury.