Sung Chiu
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Sung is an early-career clinician-scientist who completed a PhD in the Australian Centre for Blood Diseases (Monash University, supported by the Leukaemia Foundation PhD scholarship) in 2020 using mouse models to study the role of transcription factors in blood production and acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. His work has resulted in first author publication in Blood, the number one ranked journal in haematology (Clarivate 2021).
Upon returning to Western Australia he has taken up a part-time post-doctoral position under the supervision of Dr Cheung and Associate Professor Kotecha. His work is focused on identifying novel therapies for high-risk acute lymphoblastic leukaemia.
He manages his research concurrently while also practising as a clinical and laboratory haematologist in SJOG Midland hospital looking after patients with leukaemias and other blood disorders; this provides him with a unique opportunity to directly translate his research findings into improved treatment for patients.
Find Dr Chiu on ORCID.