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Meet the The Kids Sarcoma Translational Research Team

This year for Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, we got to know the sarcoma research team at Telethon Kids.

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WA children with most aggressive cancers to benefit from Australian-first personalised medicine clinical trial

Personalised medicine for childhood cancers in West Australia is a step closer thanks to the Zero Childhood Cancer program’s state clinical trial launched today

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Kids cancer champion nominated for WA Australian of the Year

Dr Nick Gottardo, Co-Head of The Kids Research Institute Australia's Brain Tumour Research Team, has been announced a nominee for the 2018 WA Australian of the Year Award

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Biobank funding supports valuable research resources

Four The Kids Research Institute Australia-based biobanks which underpin a range of cancer, respiratory and early life research have received more than $450,000 in funding.

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Multi-million-dollar investment in child health to support vital research

Four The Kids Research Institute Australia researchers have received prestigious fellowships and four significant cohort studies led or co-led by The Kids have received key grants under two new funding programs supported by the State Government’s Future Health Research and Innovation (FHRI) Fund.


National brain tumour registry: a new era of research collaboration with China

Cancer continues to be a leading cause of death globally. However, there remains a significant disparity in the reported incidence of cancer in developed countries, estimated to be 295.3 cases per 100,000 people, compared with only 115.7 in developing countries. Some of the reasons for this variation include lack of robust data collection with limited reporting systems, and insufficient data availability in the registries of these developing nations.


Viridans Group Streptococci in Pediatric Leukemia and Stem Cell Transplant: Review of a Risk-stratified Guideline for Empiric Vancomycin in Febrile Neutropenia

Viridans group streptococci (VGS) are an important cause of sepsis in immunosuppressed children. We reviewed the effectiveness of risk-stratified addition of vancomycin to empiric febrile neutropenia therapy among 107 children with leukemia or undergoing an allogeneic transplant.


Incidence and survival for childhood central nervous system tumours in Australia, 1983–2016

To investigate incidence and survival of childhood tumours of the central nervous system (CNS) by histological subtype, tumour behaviour and tumour grade. Methods: National, population-based data on all children under 15 years old diagnosed with a CNS tumour between 1983 and 2016 were sourced from the Australian Childhood Cancer Registry. Incidence rate trends were calculated using Joinpoint regression.


Small-molecule screen reveals synergy of cell cycle checkpoint kinase inhibitors with DNA-damaging chemotherapies in medulloblastoma

Medulloblastoma (MB) consists of four core molecular subgroups with distinct clinical features and prognoses. Treatment consists of surgery, followed by radiotherapy and cytotoxic chemotherapy. Despite this intensive approach, outcome remains dismal for patients with certain subtypes of MB, namely, MYC-amplified Group 3 and TP53-mutated SHH. Using high-throughput assays, six human MB cell lines were screened against a library of 3208 unique compounds. We identified 45 effective compounds from the screen and found that cell cycle checkpoint kinase (CHK1/2) inhibition synergistically enhanced the cytotoxic activity of clinically used chemotherapeutics cyclophosphamide, cisplatin, and gemcitabine.


RAD51-Mediated DNA Homologous Recombination Is Independent of PTEN Mutational Status

PTEN mutation occurs in a variety of aggressive cancers and is associated with poor patient outcomes. Recent studies have linked mutational loss of PTEN to reduced RAD51 expression and function, a key factor involved in the homologous recombination (HR) pathway. However, these studies remain controversial, as they fail to establish a definitive causal link to RAD51 expression that is PTEN-dependent, while other studies have not been able to recapitulate the relationship between the PTEN expression and the RAD51/HR function.