Psychometric properties of the Quality of Life Inventory-Disability (QI-Disability) measureInitial evaluation suggests that QI-Disability is a reliable and valid measure of quality of life across the spectrum of intellectual disability
Facilitators and Barriers of Participation in “Uptime” Activities in Girls and Women With Rett Syndrome: Perspectives From Parents and ProfessionalsThis study explored facilitators and barriers to "uptime" (non-sedentary) activities in Danish girls and women with Rett syndrome
Stillbirth risk prediction using machine learning for a large cohort of births from Western Australia, 1980–2015Almost half of stillbirths could be potentially identified antenatally based on a combination of factors
Birth prevalence of congenital heart defects in Western Australia, 1990–2016We describe the birth prevalence and characteristics of congenital heart defects in a geographically defined Australian population. This descriptive, population-based study examined congenital heart defects in live births, stillbirths and pregnancy terminations ascertained by the Western Australian Register of Developmental Anomalies, 1990-2016.
AuStralian Collaboration to Enhance Neuro-Development
Severe Congenital Heart Defects and Cerebral PalsyTo report the prevalence of cerebral palsy (CP) in children with severe congenital heart defects (sCHD) and the outcome/severity of the CP.
Individual-Level Risk and Resilience Factors Associated with Mental Health in Siblings of Individuals with Neurodevelopmental Conditions: A Network AnalysisSiblings of individuals with neurodevelopmental conditions (NDCs) are exposed to unique family environments and experience a range of psychosocial risk and resilience factors.
Communication of individuals with CDKL5 deficiency disorder as observed by caregivers: A descriptive qualitative studyCDKL5 deficiency disorder (CDD) is a genetically caused developmental epileptic encephalopathy that causes severe communication impairments. Communication of individuals with CDD is not well understood in the literature and currently available measures are not well validated in this population. Accurate and sensitive measurement of the communication of individuals with CDD is important for understanding this condition, clinical practice, and upcoming interventional trials.
Hospitalizations from Birth to 28 Years in a Population Cohort of Individuals Born with Five Rare Craniofacial Anomalies in Western AustraliaTo describe trends, age-specific patterns, and factors influencing hospitalizations for 5 rare craniofacial anomalies.
Can telehealth increase physical activity in individuals with Rett syndrome? A multicentre randomized controlled trialTo evaluate the effects of a physical activity programme on sedentary behaviour and physical activity in ambulant individuals with Rett syndrome.