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Gender differences in the experience of psychotic-like experiences and their associated factors: A study of adolescents from the general population

"Psychotic-Like Experiences" (PLEs) are common in the general population. While they are usually transient and resolve spontaneously, they can be distressing and signify increased risk for later psychosis or other psychopathology. It is important to investigate factors associated with PLEs which could be targeted to reduce their prevalence and impact. Males and females are known to experience PLEs differently, but any gender differences in the relationships between PLEs and other, potentially targetable, factors are currently unknown.


Trauma-informed prevention programmes for depression, anxiety, and substance use among young people: protocol for a mixed-methods systematic review

Mental ill-health and substance use bear a substantial burden and harm on young people and often arise from co-occurring and compounding risk factors, such as traumatic stress. Trauma-informed prevention of mental ill-health and substance use demonstrates significant promise in reducing this burden.


The role of emotion beliefs in depression, anxiety, and stress

Beliefs about the controllability and usefulness of emotions may influence successful emotion regulation across multiple emotional disorders and could thus be influential mechanisms in long-term mental health outcomes. However, to date there has been little empirical work in this area.


Using Avoidable Admissions to Measure Quality of Care for Cardiometabolic and other Physical

This paper uses population-based, record-linkage to examine access to appropriate primary care in Australian and Canadian...


The social determinants of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander suicide...

Consideration of suicide among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples must be situated within a context that recognises the impact of racism...

Human Development and Community Wellbeing

The Human Development and Community Wellbeing Team conducts research across the lifespan from conception, childhood, and youth to adulthood and the social determinants that impact and influence outcomes. The team’s focus is on the broader life course of individuals and communities within the family, school, and online environments, and includes economic evaluation of programs and outcomes.

News & Events

Life expectancy gap widens between those with mental illness and general population

The gap between life expectancy in patients with a mental illness and the general population has widened and reduction should focus on improving physical health

News & Events

Second Mental Health Survey of Australian Children Underway

The second national survey to look at the mental health and wellbeing of Australian children and adolescents is underway, with data collectors out and about.

News & Events

New research links energy drinks to anxiety in young men

A new study from The Kids for Child Health Research has uncovered a link between energy drink consumption in young men and increased anxiety.

News & Events

Preventing suicide - what can you do?

A new information pack is now available to help anyone who is concerned about a friend or family member who is distressed or suicidal.