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Causal Impact of Physical Activity on Child Health and Development

The relationship between physical activity and child health and development is well-documented, yet the extant literature provides limited causal insight into the amount of physical activity considered optimal for improving any given health or developmental outcome.


Transfers of disadvantage across three generations using latent class associations within families

There is a large volume of research on the persistence of advantage and disadvantage across generations. Intergenerational studies typically address family resources as independent factors, which ignores how risks cluster together and accumulate over time.


Not in employment, education or training (NEET); more than a youth policy issue

Australians who are Not in Employment, Education or Training (NEET) and receive income support span a wide spectrum of working ages. Australian research has concentrated on NEETs aged 15-29 years, in line with international standards. This paper investigates extending the NEET concept to include all working age persons 15-64 years and the value added to welfare policy through analysis of a new linked dataset.


Leading excellence through equity: Social emotional learning for a Fair Go

Australia likes to call itself the land of the "Fair Go". But what does a Fair Go mean for students from backgrounds of deep disadvantage? The UN Sustainable Development Goals for 2030 aim to ensure "inclusive and equitable quality education and [to promote] lifelong learning opportunities for all" (United Nations, 2015).


Overarching Evaluation of the National Support for Child and Youth Mental Health Program- Final Report

The National Support for Child and Youth Mental Health Program (the Program) aims to improve mental health outcomes for children and young people, commencing with the early years and going through to adolescence, by providing targeted grants for workforce and education activities that will build capabilities aligned to the Program objectives.


Associations Between Developmental Risk Profiles, Mental Disorders, and Student Absences Among Primary and Secondary Students in Australia

This study assessed if the association between mental disorders and higher student absences varies across different profiles of risk factors, and estimated the proportion of student absences associated with mental disorders. Data included responses from a nationally representative Australian survey of child and adolescent mental health.


Weather and children's time allocation

This paper presents the first causal estimates of the effect of weather on children's time allocation. It exploits exogenous variations in local weather observed during the random diary dates of two nationally representative cohorts of Australian children whose time-use diaries were surveyed biennially over 10 years.


Bright Tomorrows Start Today (Parent App)

Our team: Karen Forde (Project Lead), Candice Rainsford (Project Coordinator), Aida Noordin (Research Assistant) and Joanne Readman (Project


Effectiveness of childcare centre interventions to increase young children’s physical activity

Gina Hayley Trapp Christian BHSc(Hons1A), RPHNutr, PhD BSc (1st Class Hons), PhD W.Aust. Honorary Research Associate Program Head, Healthy Behaviours


Maximising fathers’ roles in preventing adolescent alcohol-related harm. (Fathers and Adolescent Alcohol Use Project)

Robyn Karen Gina Johnston Lombardi Trapp BSc, Post Grad Dip, PhD BHSc (Hons), PhD BHSc(Hons1A), RPHNutr, PhD Senior Research Officer Research Fellow