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Researchers may have found key to preventing asthma

Researchers have made a world-first discovery on how to prevent severe respiratory infections in babies.


Personal network inference unveils heterogeneous immune response patterns to viral infection in children with acute wheezing

Human rhinovirus (RV)-induced exacerbations of asthma and wheeze are a major cause of emergency room presentations and hospital admissions among children. Previous studies have shown that immune response patterns during these exacerbations are heterogeneous and are characterized by the presence or absence of robust interferon responses.


Mapping the landscape of chromatin dynamics during naïve CD4+ T-cell activation

T-cell activation induces context-specific gene expression programs that promote energy generation and biosynthesis, progression through the cell cycle and ultimately cell differentiation. The aim of this study was to apply the omni ATAC-seq method to characterize the landscape of chromatin changes induced by T-cell activation in mature naïve CD4+ T-cells.


Bilateral murine tumor models for characterizing the response to immune checkpoint blockade

This protocol describes bilateral murine tumor models that display a symmetrical yet dichotomous response to immune checkpoint blockade


Immunoinflammatory responses to febrile lower respiratory infections in infants display uniquely complex/intense transcriptomic profiles

the association between infant LRTI and risk for persistent wheeze/asthma in this cohort is generally stronger for fLRTIs than for other infection categories


A genomics-based approach to assessment of vaccine safety and immunogenicity in children

This methodology has significant potential to identify covert interactions between inflammatory pathways triggered by vaccination, and as such may be a...


Asthma: Acute asthma flare-up in school-age children

The aim of this study is to identify differences in immune cells that are involved in the disease.


Respiratory viral infections and host responses; insights from genomics

Review of the viral sensing pathways and organizing principles that govern the innate immune response to infection


Rapid recruitment of CD14+ monocytes in experimentally induced allergic rhinitis in human subjects

Mononuclear phagocyte population is directly involved in the production of proinflammatory chemokines that attract other immune cells