Disease prevention in the age of convergence - The need for a wider, long ranging and collaborative visionOur global health crisis and the pandemic of noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) is clearly rooted in complex modern societal and environmental changes, many of...
Children with chronic suppurative lung disease have a reduced capacity to synthesize interferon-gamma in vitro in response to non-typeable Haemophilus influenzaeThe aim of this study was to identify features of innate, cell-mediated and humoral immunity that may increase susceptibility to respiratory infections in...
Late language emergence in 24-month-old twins: Heritable and increased risk for late language emergence in twinsThis study investigated the etiology of late language emergence (LLE) in 24-month-old twins, considering possible twinning, zygosity, gender, and...
Hospital costs of multiple-birth and singleton-birth children during the first 5 years of life and the role of assisted reproductive technologyThe objective was to conduct a comprehensive economic and health services assessment of the frequency, duration, and cost of hospital admissions during the...
Update of the WHO/IUIS Allergen Nomenclature Database based on analysis of allergen sequencesThis paper summarizes updates of allergen names approved at the meetings of the IUIS Allergen Nomenclature Sub-Committee in 2011 through 2013.
Comparison of monochromatic aberrations in young adults with different visual acuity and refractive errorsMonochromatic aberrations were measured using a Zywave II wavefront aberrometer with natural pupils in a dark room.
Public-private collaboration in clinical research during pregnancy, lactation, and childhoodThis position statement summarises a view of academia regarding standards for clinical research in collaboration with commercial enterprises, focussing on...
Transition to secondary school: Expectation versus experienceThis study investigated what young people in primary school reported being worried about with their impending move to secondary school, and how their...
Is the effect of compulsory community treatmentWe investigated whether a reduction of preventable deaths from physical disorders was mediated by better access to specialized medical procedures.
Vitamin D is crucial for maternal care and offspring social behaviour in ratsThese data highlight that early life levels of vitamin D are an important consideration for maternal behavioural adaptations as well as offspring neuropsychiatry