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Sugar sweetened beverage consumption by Australian children: Implications for public health strategy

High consumption of sugar sweetened beverages (SSBs) has been linked to unhealthy weight gain and nutrition related chronic disease.


Breastfeeding and early child development: A prospective cohort study

Breastfeeding has been associated with multiple developmental advantages for the infant; however, there have also been a number of studies that find...


Late-talking and risk for behavioural and emotional problems during childhood and adolescence

Although many toddlers with expressive vocabulary delay ("late talkers") present with age-appropriate language skills by the time they are of school age...


The epidemiology of excess mortality in people with mental illness

To investigate the burden of excess mortality among people with mental illness in developed countries, how it is distributed, and whether it has changed over...


Low-moderate prenatal alcohol exposure and risk to child behavioural development: a prospective cohort study

To examine the association of fetal alcohol exposure during pregnancy with child and adolescent behavioural development.


The mental health and wellbeing of adolescents on remand in Australia

To compare the nature & prevalence of mental health problems, prevalence of suicidal ideation & behaviour, & health-related quality of life of 13-17-year-olds..


Anxiety disorders and cigarette smoking: Results from the Australian Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing

The aim of this study was to describe current and daily smoking rates, and smoking cessation rates in adults with anxiety disorders


Late language emergence at 24 months: an epidemiological study of prevalence, predictors, and covariates

The primary objectives of this study were to determine the prevalence of late language emergence (LLE) and to investigate the predictive status of maternal...


The ARC Centre of Excellence for Children and Families over the Life Course (Life Course Centre or LCC)

The Life Course Centre is a national centre funded by the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence Scheme and hosted through the University of Queensland with collaborating nodes at the University of Western Australia, Sydney University and University of Melbourne.