Awareness and impact of the ‘Bubblewrap’ advertising campaign among Aboriginal smokers in Western AustraliaAntismoking mass media campaigns have been shown to reduce smoking prevalence in the mainstream community.
Rio Tinto Child Health Partnership Final ReportIn 2002, the Founding Director of The Kids for Child Health Research, Professor Fiona Stanley, approached Rio Tinto Ltd about the possibility...
Diverging trends for lower respiratory infections in non-Aboriginal and Aboriginal childrenTo investigate temporal trends in admission rates for acute lower respiratory infections (ALRI) in a total population birth cohort of non-Aboriginal and...
The ultimate goal of the Alcohol and Pregnancy and FASD Research Team is to make FASD history in Australia.
The Health of Aboriginal Children and Young People
Start Stronger, Live Longer Resource Manual for Aboriginal Health WorkersThis resource kit for Aboriginal health workers is an exciting milestone in the Rio Tinto Aboriginal Health partnership with The Kids Research Institute Australia
ACCARE provides high level advice to the Institute's Director around strategic directions and operational elements relating to Aboriginal health research
Bigiswun Kid Project: a longitudinal study of adolescents living with high rates of prenatal alcohol exposure, fetal alcohol spectrum disorder and early life trauma in remote Australian Aboriginal communitiesThe Lililwan Project was the first Australian population-based prevalence study of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) using active case ascertainment. Conducted in 2010-2011, the study included 95% of all eligible children aged 7-9 years living in the very remote Aboriginal communities of the Fitzroy Valley, Western Australia.
Trends and burden of diabetes in pregnancy among Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal mothers in Western Australia, 1998-2015Diabetes in pregnancy (DIP), which includes pre-gestational and gestational diabetes, is more prevalent among Aboriginal women. DIP and its adverse neonatal outcomes are associated with diabetes and cardiovascular disease in the offspring.
The role of governance in Indigenous medical education researchThis article considers the role of governance in Indigenous medical education research through the lens of an Australian Aboriginal research project titled Healing Conversations. The Healing Conversations project is developing and testing a targeted educational framework for improved clinical communication between healthcare practitioners and Australian Aboriginal peoples in regional and urban locations. It is proposed that an effective governance approach can support Indigenous and non-Indigenous stakeholders to work together in decision-making structures to enable outcomes that promote and prioritise Indigenous worldviews and values in medical education research.