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Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder

The new diagnostic category of disruptive mood dysregulation disorder (DMDD) was introduced in DSM-5


Why do psychiatric patients have higher cancer mortality rates when cancer incidence is the same or lower?

People with mental illness are no more likely than the general population to develop cancer but more likely to die of it


Engaging, supporting and working with children and families in Tasmania’s Child and Family Centres

The results showed that Tasmania's Child and Family Centres had a positive impact on parents' use and experiences of services and supports for young children.


The effect of the social and physical environment on children's independent mobility to neighborhood destinations

Relationships between context-specific measures of the physical and social environment and children's independent mobility to neighborhood destination types...


School absence and its effect on school performance for children born with orofacial clefts

We aimed to describe school absence and its relationship with school performance for children with and without orofacial clefts.


Through the kids ... we connected with our community: Children as catalysts of social capital

Both children and adults benefit from living in communities and neighborhoods that are rich in social capital.


Early mental health morbidity and later smoking at 17 years of age

We examined the relationship between the onset and pattern of childhood mental health disorders and subsequent current smoking status at age 17 years.


Early vocabulary development: The importance of joint attention and parent-child book reading

The current study brought a bioecological approach to children’s early vocabulary development using data from the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children...


Late-talking and risk for behavioral and emotional problems during childhood and adolescence

Although many toddlers with expressive vocabulary delay ("late talkers") present with age-appropriate language skills by the time they are of school age,...


Early motor development is part of the resource mix for language acquisition -

Early motor development is part of the resource mix for language acquisition - a commentary on Iverson's 'Developing language in a developing body: the relat...