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Chronic health conditions, mental health and the school: A narrative review

School-based social risk processes in the lives of young people with chronic health conditions are likely to contribute to risk of psychological problems


Long-term economic outcomes for interventions in early childhood: protocol for a systematic review

Investment in early childhood produces positive returns: for the child, the family and the community.


Tobacco smoking and mental disorders in Australian adolescents

This study aimed to (1) examine the strength of the association between mental disorders/mental health problems, risk behaviours and tobacco smoking among Australian adolescents, (2) compare rates of tobacco smoking among Australian adolescents with major depressive disorder, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and/or conduct disorder in 2013/14 vs 1998, and (3) identify the extent to which an association between tobacco smoking and mental health problems among adolescents can be attributed to non-mental health risk factors.


Trajectories of interparental conflict and children's emotional-behavioural functioning at 10-11 years: an Australian population-based study

Interparental conflict (IPC) has the potential to adversely affect children's social, emotional, and behavioural functioning. The overall objective of this study was to investigate the relationship between both the severity and chronicity of IPC across early and middle childhood and children's emotional-behavioural functioning at 10-11 years. Specifically, we aimed to: (1) identify distinct trajectories of IPC spanning 10-11 years since birth of the study child as reported by mothers, and (2) examine the emotional-behavioural functioning of children exposed to the identified IPC trajectories.


Maternal Alcohol Use Disorder and Risk of Child Contact with the Justice System in Western Australia: A Population Cohort Record Linkage Study

Children who were exposed to a maternal alcohol use disorder had significantly increased odds of contact with the justice system.


Self-harm: Prevalence estimates from the second Australian Child and Adolescent Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing

The demonstrated higher risks in young people for continued harm or possible death support the need for ongoing initiatives to reduce self-harm


Relationship between out-of-home care placement history characteristics and educational achievement: A population level linked data study.

This study examined the influence of placement stability, reunification, type of care, time in care and age at entry to care on children's educational outcomes.


Introducing ‘Young Minds Matter’

This article describes the survey, the response rates achieved and the representativeness of the sample for the Young Minds Matter survey


Patterns of multiple risk exposures for low receptive vocabulary growth 4-8 years in the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children

Our results demonstrate a range of multiple risk profiles in a population-representative sample of Australian children and highlight the mix of risk factors faced by children


Bipolar disorder in children and adolescents: diagnostic inpatient rates from 2000 to 2013 in Germany

The rate of Bipolar Disorder as a discharge diagnosis in German minors has increased significantly, consistently exceeding the general trend for a rise in rates for mental disorders