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Changes in the clinical and epidemiological features of group A streptococcal bacteraemia in Australia's northern territory

We aimed to measure the incidence and severity of invasive Group A Strep disease in the NT since 1996.


Utility of auscultatory screening for detecting rheumatic heart disease in high-risk children in Australia's Northern Territory

Sensitivity and positive predictive value of cardiac auscultation compared with echocardiography is poor, regardless of the expertise of the auscultator.

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Ending deadly heart disease finally within our sights

It's been a huge year for those working to eliminate rheumatic heart disease (RHD), with breakthroughs including $35M in funding to develop a Strep A vaccine.

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Finding answers for Tenaya: from a sore throat to open-heart surgery

When Katrina took her daughter Tenaya to the local emergency department for the fourth time, she was determined she wouldn’t be leaving without answers.

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National honour for The Kids Director

Leading paediatrician, infectious diseases specialist and Executive Director of The Kids Research Institute Australia, Professor Jonathan Carapetis, has been recognised for his significant contribution towards medical research with the award of Member of the Order of Australia (AM).

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$35 million to develop vaccine with potential to save half a million lives per year

A vaccine to prevent rheumatic heart disease (RHD) and other life-threatening conditions caused by the common Strep A bacteria is a step closer thanks to funding announced by Minister for Indigenous Health, Hon Ken Wyatt AM, MP, in Perth today.

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Expert researchers converge on Broome to tackle health challenges in Northern Australia

Over 100 researchers and health professionals from around Australia have united in Broome this week to address the major health battles facing people living in the tropical north of the country.


Secondary Antibiotic Prophylaxis for Latent Rheumatic Heart Disease

Rheumatic heart disease affects more than 40.5 million people worldwide and results in 306,000 deaths annually. Echocardiographic screening detects rheumatic heart disease at an early, latent stage. Whether secondary antibiotic prophylaxis is effective in preventing progression of latent rheumatic heart disease is unknown.

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A New Avenue For Controlling Rheumatic Heart Disease?

Rheumatic heart disease (RHD) is the most important cause of acquired cardiovascular disease in children and young adults and the most common cause of multivalv