Non-specific psychological distress, smoking status and smoking cessation: United States National Health Interview Survey 2005It is well established that smoking rates in people with common mental disorders such as anxiety or depressive disorders are much higher than in people...
Common mental disorders: missed opportunity for smoking prevention and cessationCommon mental disorders: missed opportunity for smoking prevention and cessation
Friendly Schools is the first Social and Emotional Wellbeing and Anti-bullying Initiative for schools developed through extensive research with Australian children and adolescents.
Measuring Severity of Mental Disorders with the Young Minds Matter: Parent/Carer-Reported Impact ItemsThis document describes the calibration of the parent/carer reported impact items developed for use in the Second Australian Child & Adolescent Survey of...
Neck/shoulder pain is more strongly related to depressed mood in adolescent girls than in boysA cross-sectional study of 1258, 14 year old girls and boys used self-report and physical examination measures to assess neck/shoulder pain in the last...
Pre-pregnancy maternal overweight and obesity increase the risk for affective disorders in offspringMaternal pre-pregnancy obesity has been linked with an increased risk for negative emotionality and inattentiveness in offspring in early childhood.
Are women with major depression in pregnancy identifiable in population health data?Although record linkage of routinely collected health datasets is a valuable research resource, most datasets are established for administrative purposes and...
Friendship, loneliness and depression in adolescents with Asperger's SyndromeThis study investigated the relation between friendship, loneliness and depressive symptoms in adolescents with Asperger's Syndrome (AS).
Comorbidities of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Pregnancy Risk Factors and Parent Mental HealthOur study examined the risk of maternal smoking and alcohol consumption in pregnancy associated with child comorbidity in a community sample of children...
Adolescent peer aggression and its association with mental health and substance use in an Australian cohortProspective longitudinal birth cohort data was used to examine the association between peer aggression at 14yrs and mental health and substance use at 17yrs...