Editorial: Bench to bedside: translating pre-clinical research into clinical trials for childhood brain tumorsNick Raelene Gottardo Endersby MBChB FRACP PhD BSc (Hons) PhD Co-Head, Brain Tumour Research Brainchild Fellow; Co-Head, Brain Tumour Research
Use of bevacizumab as a single agent or in adjunct with traditional chemotherapy regimens in children with unresectable or progressive low-grade gliomaBevacizumab is well tolerated and appears most effective for rapid tumor control to preserve vision and improve morbidity
Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine GliomaThis chapter summarizes recent advances in diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma and potential novel therapies
The case for DNA methylation based molecular profiling to improve diagnostic accuracy for central nervous system embryonal tumors (not otherwise specified) in adultsWe report the case of a 45-year-old woman who was diagnosed with a NOS based on immunohistochemical analysis of the patient's tumor at diagnosis.
News & Events
Cancer Council WA supports development of less toxic treatments for childhood brain cancerThe Kids Research Institute Australia researcher, Dr Raelene Endersby, will work to develop less toxic treatments for children with brain cancer, thanks to support from Cancer Council WA.
A novel technique of serial biopsy in mouse brain tumour modelsHere we describe a method by which serial biopsy can be used to validate response to dacomitinib treatment in vivo using a mouse glioblastoma model
Immunogenicity and clinical effectiveness of the trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine in immunocompromised children undergoing treatment for cancerThe trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine is safe, immunogenic, provides clinical protection and should be administered annually to immunosuppressed children receiving treatment for cancer
Novel peptide-based drugs for the treatment of sonic hedgehog-dependent medulloblastomaMedulloblastoma, the most common pediatric malignant brain tumor, consists of at least four distinct molecular subgroups.
Chemotherapy increases amenability of surgical resection in congenital glioblastomaBrain tumors presenting in infancy, especially during the first 6 months of life.