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Gross motor performance in children prenatally exposed to alcohol and living in remote Australia

A higher than expected proportion of children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders had gross motor scores that indicated impairment and need for therapy


It takes a village: Influencing policy and practice to prevent alcohol use in pregnancy and promote better outcomes for individuals living with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder is a neurodevelopmental disorder caused by exposure to alcohol in utero. It has pervasive, lifelong impacts and is recognised as a major public health concern in many countries where alcohol is used. The FASD Research Australia Centre of Research Excellence was funded by the National Health and Medical Research Council to generate and translate evidence to address prevention, diagnosis, and management of FASD in Australia.


Collaborating with consumers: the key to achieving statutory notification for birth defects and cerebral palsy in Western Australia

The Western Australian Birth Defects Registry and the Western Australian Cerebral Palsy Register used multiple sources of voluntary notification without...


Alcohol-use disorders during and within one year of pregnancy: A population-based cohort study 1985-2006

Given the severe risks to the fetus from heavy prenatal alcohol exposure, assessment and recording of alcohol use should be routinely undertaken in maternity...


Maternal Use of Folic Acid and Other Supplements and Risk of Childhood Brain Tumors

Interest in a possible protective effect of maternal vitamin use before or during pregnancy against childhood brain tumors (CBT) and other childhood cancers...


Environmental Risk Factors by Gender Associated With Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder

Our study investigates the maternal, pregnancy, and newborn risk factors by gender for children prescribed stimulant medication for treatment of ADHD in WA.


Factors associated with early cessation of breastfeeding in women with gestational diabetes mellitus

To determine factors associated with early cessation of breastfeeding (≤3 months) in women with recent gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM).


Age at surgery and outcomes of an undescended testis

We investigated the prevalence of UDT and examined rates of surgery and age at surgery in an Australian population.


Long-term survival for infants born with orofacial clefts in Western Australia

Parents with a child diagnosed with an OFC ± additional minor anomalies only can be reassured that the OFC does not influence survival rates in infancy


Factors relating to pregnancy and birth and the risk of childhood brain tumors: Results from an Australian case-control study

Childhood brain tumors (CBT) are the leading cause of cancer death in children, yet their causes are largely known. This study investigated the association...