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Characterising nitric oxide-mediated metabolic benefits of low-dose ultraviolet radiation in the mouse: a focus on brown adipose tissue

Non-burning (low-dose) UVR suppresses the BAT 'whitening', steatotic and pro-diabetic effects of consuming a high-fat diet through skin release of nitric oxide


Vitamin D deficiency causes deficits in lung function and alters lung structure

The prevalence of vitamin D deficiency is increasing and has been linked to obstructive lung diseases including asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease


Randomised controlled trial analysing supplementation with 250 versus 500 units of vitamin D3, sun exposure and surrounding factors in breastfed infants

The rate of non-compliance with vitamin D supplementation is as high as 45%. This is why randomised controlled trials are needed to analyse the response...


Gene regulation by 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 in CD4+CD25+ cells is enabled by IL-2

Vitamin D may be responsible for reducing the development and severity of autoimmune and allergic diseases. Topically applied 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D(3) (1,25(O


Immune-modifying properties of topical vitamin D: Focus on dendritic cells and T cells

Topical creams containing the active form of vitamin D (1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3; 1,25(OH)2D3) or analogues of this compound are currently used with some succes

News & Events

Government funding for innovative sun safety online tool for teens

The Kids researcher Dr Shelley Gorman has received a Healthway grant to develop an online tool to promote safe sun behaviours to teenagers.


Vitamin D deficiency at melanoma diagnosis is associated with higher Breslow thickness

Background: Epidemiological evidence shows that people with thicker, or higher stage, melanomas have lower vitamin D status compared to those with thinner...


Analytical bias in the measurement of serum 25-hydroxyVitamin D concentrations impairs assessment of Vitamin D status

This publication demonstrated considerable differences in the measurement of 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentrations compared with a certified laboratory, even...


Developing an Online Tool to Promote Safe Sun Behaviors With Young Teenagers as Co-researchers

Despite education about the risks of excessive sun exposure, teenagers in Australia are sun-seeking, with sunburn common in summer. Conversely, some regular (time-limited) exposure to sunlight (that avoids sunburn) is necessary for vitamin D and healthy bones and other molecules important for immune and metabolic health. New interventions are thus required to better support teenagers to make healthy and balanced decisions about their sun behaviors.


Pre-and Postnatal Vitamin D Status and Allergy Outcomes in Early Childhood

The dramatic increase in the prevalence of allergic disease in recent decades reflects environmental and behavioural changes that have altered patterns of early immune development. The very early onset of allergic diseases points to the specific vulnerability of the developing immune system to environmental changes and the development of primary intervention strategies is crucial to address this unparalleled burden.