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Metabolic and Psychological Impact of a Pragmatic Exercise Intervention Program in Adolescent and Young Adult Survivors of Pediatric Cancer-Related Cerebral Insult

Adolescent and young adult survivors of childhood brain tumors and cranial irradiation should be screened for metabolic and psychological well-being


Maternal consumption of coffee and tea during pregnancy and risk of childhood ALL: a pooled analysis from the childhood Leukemia International Consortium

Our findings suggest that high coffee intake during pregnancy may increase risk of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia


Living on a farm, contact with farm animals and pets, and childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia

These findings add additional evidence to the hypothesis that regular contact with animals in early childhood is inversely associated with childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia


Irreversible growth plate fusions in children with medulloblastoma treated with a targeted hedgehog pathway inhibitor

We report on 3 children treated with vismodegib who developed widespread growth plate fusions that persist long after cessation of therapy.


Silencing of GATA3 defines a novel stem cell-like subgroup of ETP-ALL

GATA3low ETP-ALL is a novel stem cell-like leukemia with implications for the use of myeloid-derived therapies


Childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia and indicators of early immune stimulation: a Childhood Leukemia International Consortium study

The associations between childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) and several proxies of early stimulation of the immune system, that is, day-care center...


Gene Expression Analyses of the Spatio-Temporal Relationships of Human Medulloblastoma Subgroups during Early Human Neurogenesis

Medulloblastoma is the most common form of malignant paediatric brain tumour and is the leading cause of childhood cancer related mortality.


Parental occupational paint exposure and risk of childhood leukemia in the offspring: findings from the Childhood Leukemia International Consortium

Using individual data from fathers of 8,185 cases and 14,210 controls, the pooled OR for paternal exposure around conception and risk of acute lymphoblastic...


Maternal consumption of coffee and tea during pregnancy and risk of childhood brain tumors: results from an Australian case-control study

The aim of this analysis was to investigate whether maternal coffee or tea consumption during pregnancy was associated with the risk of CBT.


Childhood brain tumours: Associations with parental occupational exposure to solvents

Paternal exposure to solvents in the year before conception was associated with an increased CBT risk. This increased risk appeared to be mainly attributable...