Investigators: Anthony Bosco, Bree Foley, Jason Waithman, Marie Estcourt, Patrick Holt, Tom Snelling, Yue Wu
Vaccines are estimated to have reduced global deaths of infants and children by 95% since the beginning of the 20th century, and continue to save millions of lives a year. However, there is still little understanding about exactly how vaccines protect people, and predicting how an individual will respond to a vaccine is still not possible. This project aims to use new ‘omic’ technologies to develop a way of tailoring vaccine decision making to the individual. The project aims to develop a system which could answer for each child questions like:
- How many vaccine doses are best for my child need?
- When is the best time to vaccinate my child?
- Will my child react to this vaccine?
- How well will my child be protected by this vaccine?