Investigators: Chris Blyth, Peter Richmond, Ushma Wadia
Project description
Young children, particularly those younger than six (6) months are at increased riskof severe influenza infection. Influenza vaccination is recommended for all children 6 months of age or older, but not for younger children. This is despite their risk of severe disease. The safety and immune response to previously available trivalentinfluenza vaccines (TIV; conferring protection against three influenza strains) has already been demonstrated in infants under 6 months of age, yet these reassuring data have not translated into routine use. There are no data on the safety and immune response in infants under 6 months of age to quadrivalent influenzavaccines (QIV; conferring protection against four strains; routinely used in Australiasince 2016), nor is anything known about the impact of the now recommended maternal influenza vaccination on vaccine responses in infants under 6 months of age. Lastly, it has never been assessed if maternal influenza infection during pregnancy impacts standard infant influenza vaccine responses.
Funders of the project
- Investigator Initiated