National Community Advisory Group
Engaging the community in COVID-19 rapid research

Engaging the community in COVID-19 rapid research
In March 2020 the Community Engagement Team were contacted by:
- Researchers wanting to access ‘informed’ community members
- Community members concerned about rapid research projects being undertaken without any involvement
They invited 24 experienced community advocates from across Australia to join a National Community Advisory Group to provide input into COVID-19 research projects
- 22 people accepted and joined the Group
- Within a week: signed-off on Terms of Reference and confidentially agreements, and held 1st virtual meeting with 30 attendees
Community Engagement Team
Member’s interests and experiences were wide and varied and included:
infectious diseases, heart and lung diseases, cancer, disability, mental health, education, advocacy and Aboriginal health.
Activities and achievements
Members have attended meetings virtually and had input into 20 local, national and international projects, including clinical trials, laboratory, mental health, health promotion and education research.
Tasks included feedback on ethics and grant applications, study protocols, consent and patient information forms, data collection, storage and secondary use, dissemination of results and project websites.
Members have since contributed to conference presentations, seminars, webinars, government submissions and a list of priorities for
future research on COVID-19.
In 2022 the National Reference Group continues to provide feedback and input to COVID-19 research. The Institute is looking to expand membership to the group.