Cocchi G, Gualdi S, Bower C, Halliday J, Jonsson B, Myrelid A, Mastroiacovo P, Amar E, Bakker MK, Correa A, Doray B, Melve KK, Koshnood B, Landau D, Mutchinick OM, Pierini A, Ritvanen A, Ruddock V, Scarano G, Sibbald B, Sipek A, Tenconi R, Tucker D, Anneren G
Authors notes:
Birth Defects Research Part a-Clinical and Molecular Teratology 2010 Jun;88:474-9
International trends, Down syndrome, 1993-2004, births, maternal age, terminations of pregnancies
The aim of this study was to examine trends of Down syndrome (DS) in relation to maternal age and termination of pregnancies (ToP) in 20 registries of the International Clearinghouse for Birth Defects Surveillance and Research (ICBDSR).