Our team is the only team within the Institute that focuses on laboratory research to understand the Strep A pathogen, the infectious cause of Rheumatic Heart Disease (RHD) along with several other diseases.
Our research combines existing research led by Drs Barnett (Pathogenesis of Strep A throat infections and Acute Rheumatic Fever, antibiotic resistance, and development of point of care diagnostics), Pickering (Improved laboratory methods for detection and surveillance of Strep A colonisation) and incorporates additional laboratory-based projects currently within the Strep A and RHD and Healthy Skin teams that are currently being managed by Drs Barnett and Pickering.
The Strep A Pathogenesis and Diagnostic team adds value to the research direction of The Kids Research Institute Australia through our expertise in Strep A microbiology, epidemiology, and pathogenesis research. This team has extensive collaborations with each of the four additional teams within the END RHD program, and it is these existing relationships and partnerships that will ensure a cohesive and committed program that works together to tackle our ambitious goal of eradicating RHD.
Team leader

Head, Strep A Pathogenesis and Diagnostics
Team members (15)


BSc (Hons)
Research Assistant

BSc, PhD

BBioMedSci, PhD
Research Officer
Dr Jua Iwasaki
Senior Research Officer
Jessica Hillas
Program Manager
Dr Jasreen Kular
Research Officer (honorary)
Dr Wenna Lee
Research Officer
Dr Nicole Bzdyl
Research Officer

Fatoumata Camara
PhD student, Research Assistant
Bonnie Hyatt
PhD student, Research Assistant
Kalindu Rodrigo
PhD student, Research Assistant
Vanessa Tenaglia
PhD Student
Alisha Wilson
Sophie Brooks
Research Support Officer
Strep A Pathogenesis and Diagnostics projects
Featured projects
START Project
July 2022
Development of methods to rapidly track pathogen and antibiotic resistance profiles from skin sores in Northern Australia (Hot North)