The Kids Research Institute Australia is deeply concerned by the decision by the WA Government to move children from the Banksia Hill Youth Detention Centre to the adult prison at Casuarina.
Urgent action is needed and we strongly support calls for the WA Government to establish a Youth Justice Taskforce to develop a plan to address the issues at Banksia Hill, and within the youth justice system in Western Australia more broadly.
A short, medium and long-term plan is needed to develop solutions and to avoid the potentially catastrophic consequences for children, families and the broader community. Consistent with the State Government’s commitment to National Closing the Gap Agreement it is essential that the voices of Aboriginal people are at the table to ensure shared decision making to address the issues identified by the Taskforce.
Since 2016 researchers from The Kids Research Institute Australia have produced a strong body of evidence about the challenges faced by young people at Banksia Hill. In particular, ground-breaking research released in 2018 that focused on around 100 young people then detained at the facility revealed unprecedented levels of severe neurodevelopmental impairment among the detainees. The Banksia Hill Project found nine out of ten of the young people being held at the time had at least one form of severe neurodisability, with more than one in three diagnosed with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD).
Subsequent research highlighted the language and other difficulties experienced by many of the young detainees, along with the knowledge, attitudes and practices of the youth custodial workforce, and approaches to supporting young people in youth detention who have neurodisability.
See below to learn more about the research and programs produced as part of the Banksia Hill Project.
"We will not ignore, nor accept, the continued disparity in outcomes for Aboriginal kids compared with other Australian children” - Executive Director Professor Jonathan Carapetis, The Kids Research Institute Australia 'Up for the Challenge' Strategic Plan 2019-2023
Fact sheets
Banksia Hill - Key Findings
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Banksia Hill - Impact Report
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