WANTED: 'Flu Busters
Hundreds of healthy volunteers are needed in Perth to test the effectiveness of a current 'flu vaccine.
The study is being run by the Vaccine Trials Group at The Kids for Child Health Research, with Princess Margaret Hospital for Children and UWA's School of Paediatrics.
Research leader Dr Peter Richmond said the project was part of a nation-wide study to assess just how effective the 'flu vaccine is in preventing the disease.
"As we've seen particularly over the past year, 'flu is a very debilitating disease that can have tragic consequences, particularly in children and the elderly" Dr Richmond said.
"While the 'flu vaccine is changed each year to protect against the most common strains, it's essential that we continue to monitor its effectiveness so that we can be confident of preventing a serious epidemic."
Dr Richmond said 500 adults aged 18 to 64 years would be recruited in Perth. Another seven thousand would be recruited around Australia and New Zealand.
Volunteers will be given a free 'flu vaccine or placebo. They will be asked to monitor their symptoms and contact the research nurses if they come down with any 'flu like symptoms.
"If our volunteers develop a 'flu like illness during the study, we'll take a nose or throat swab to confirm the infection. If they test positive for the 'flu, they'll be offered anti viral medications, such as Tamiflu,®" Dr Richmond said.
This study is funded by CSL Limited and has been approved by a human research ethics committee.
Myth: Influenza (the'flu) is just like a getting a cold
Fact: Influenza (the 'flu) is a highly infectious disease spread through coughing and sneezing.It is often considered a mild disease, slightly worse than a cold, but 'flu kills millions of people, including children, around the world. Symptoms include chills, sweating, headache, cough and generalised muscle and joint pains.
Myth: The 'flu vaccine gives you the 'flu
Fact: The flu vaccine does not contain a live virus, therefore will not give you the 'flu. You may experience some mild soreness or redness in your arm where the vaccine was given or have mild 'flu like symptoms such as nasal congestion, fever or mild muscle aches/pain. This is a normal vaccine reaction.
Myth: I had the 'flu vaccine last year so don't need one this year
Fact: The 'flu strains change from year to year, therefore a new 'flu vaccine must be produced each year to protect against the current three circulating influenza strains