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Rebecca Pavlos

Senior Program Manager

Rebecca Pavlos

Senior Program Manager


Rebecca has extensive experience in clinical research and research project management.  She previously worked as a Post-Doctoral Scientist at Goettingen University, Germany (2007-2009) and the Institute for Immunology and Infectious Diseases, Murdoch University, Perth (2010-2017).  Her research career has focused on immunogenetics and T cell responses in HIV adaptation and T cell mediated adverse drug reactions.

Rebecca joined The Kids Research Institute Australia in 2017 as a member of the Skin Health Team and Infectious Diseases Epidemiology Team, working on several clinical trials and cohort studies in infectious diseases, including the SToP trial and the PATRIC Clinical Registry. She participated in the The Kids Emerging Leaders program in 2020.

Rebecca was appointed as Program Manager for the Infectious Diseases Epidemiology Team in 2020, and became Senior Program Manager for the Children's Diabetes Centre in 2023. The Children's Diabetes Centre aims to improve the lives of children and young adults living with diabetes through research, education and clinical care.


Infection Transmission in Early Childhood Education and Care: a mixed methods study to inform future interventions

The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed many uncertainties and incorrect assumptions about respiratory pathogen transmission.

Patient-Reported Outcome Measures for Acute Lower Respiratory Infection (ALRI-PRO): Developing and Establishing Content Validity

Patient (or parent/carer proxy) Reported Outcomes (PROs) are those reported from a patient perspective, capturing how they feel, function, or survive.

Skin health situational analysis to inform skin disease control programs for the Kimberley

Skin Health Situational Analysis to inform skin disease control programs for the Kimberley - outcomes

The Skin Health Situational Analysis was conducted in 2017 with and for stakeholders in the Kimberley region as a precursor to the SToP Trial to highlight all that was already known prior to commencement in 2018. It was completed to be a resource for communities in the Kimberley who would like to de

Published research

Pragmatic Adaptive Trial for Respiratory Infection in Children (PATRIC) Clinical Registry protocol

Acute respiratory infections (ARI) are the most common cause of paediatric hospitalisation. There is an urgent need to address ongoing critical knowledge gaps in ARI management. The Pragmatic Adaptive Trial for Respiratory Infections in Children (PATRIC) Clinical Registry will evaluate current treatments and outcomes for ARI in a variety of paediatric patient groups.

Education and Qualifications
  • PhD Immunology (UWA)
  • Master of Forensic Science (UWA)
  • Bachelor of Science (Pathology, Molecular Biology)(UWA)