Foley KR, Jacoby P, Einfeld S, Girdler S, Bourke J, Riches V, Leonard H
Authors notes:
BMC Psychiatry. 2014;14(1):266
Intellectual disability, Down syndrome, Participation, Employment, Psychopathology, Behaviour
Young adults with Down syndrome experience increased rates of emotional and behavioural problems compared with the general population.
Most adolescents with Down syndrome living in Western Australia participate in sheltered employment as their main day occupation.
Relationship between day occupation and changes in behaviour has not been examined.
Therefore, the aim of this research was to explore any relationship between post school day occupations and changes in the young person's behaviour.
In comparison to those young adults attending open employment from 2009 to 2011, those attending day recreation programs were reported to experience worsening in behaviour both in the unadjusted and adjusted models.
We found that the behaviour of those participating in open employment improved compared to those attending other day occupations.
Further examination of the direction of this association is required.